This week my family and I are vacationing at the beach. We've gone to the same beach since I was 3 years~old; I'm now 21.
I'm not the same girl who posed for this picture last year outside one of our favorite island restaurants.
I look at this girl and think, "Oh just have no idea do you?" I had no idea this next year would be such a formidable year of my life. I didn't know that I would grow up tremendously..and learn a lot about myself, perhaps more than I ever desired to know.
In some ways I'd like to be "her" again. Her {or my} outlook on life was so different then. I was so trusting. Experience has worn me, and made me cynical..and less of myself.
Ah, but vacations at the beach are supposed to be fun, light~hearted times filled with relaxation and memory making! What am I doing thinking and living inside my head when I should be taking in the beauty around me?!
Okay, I'll try. I'll try to pack away my musings until I get home. And allow my mind to fall in sync with the flowing, ebbing tides.
{{hugs}} and lots of love.