Why I'm Young at Heart
:: I look young.
My age was always overestimated throughout my childhood and teenage years. Perhaps because of my height? Or astounding maturity? ; ) But currently, my sister & I are asked who is older and she was born two months after my fourth birthday.
:: I eat dry Cheerios.
:: I {heart} goldfish crackers, fruit snacks, animal crackers, candy necklaces, & ring pops.
:: I can't hold back tears. My emotional regulating abilities can be a bit... lacking.
:: Sometimes I wear my hair in a high ponytail and whip my hair back and forth like Willow Smith.
:: I thrash around in foaming ocean waters, ride the waves & let my hair become whipped and salty, never sunbathing on the shore with sunglasses and perfect hair like the other early twenties girls women.
:: My profs still refer to my peers & me as "the kids."
:: Sometimes I just want my mom.
:: My idea of a mixed drink involves Ginger Ale & Cran~Grape Juice.
:: I attend birthday parties at the local Bounce~Plex; jumping, running, sliding...
:: I wear jingle bell earrings at Christmastime.
:: I lack self~control around chocolate.
Why I'm an Old Soul
:: I read mommy blogs.
:: I probably have stronger opinions regarding Gary Ezzo & Dr. Sears than any other non~mother my age.
:: I can't stand cartoons.
:: I contemplate life while sitting in coffeeshops.
:: Noise & chaos wear me out.
:: I need several shots of espresso in my system throughout the day, coming from delightful sources such as mocha frappuccinos & chocolate chip mocha crunch coffees topped with mountains of white chocolate drizzle & more chocolate chips.
:: I read theology books for fun.
:: I keep a baby names favorite list.
:: I'm fascinated by local history and family genealogy.
:: I'm a "cute dress w/ leggings, sophisticated metropolitan fashion" enthusiast.
:: Flashing lights and rock music in church aren't my style; I attend a small, reflective/contemplative, service~oriented, hipster~influenced church.
:: I feel most "myself" in a teacher~caregiver~mommyish role.
{What about you? Are you young at heart? Or an old soul?}